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Laura The Gastronaut

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Hollandaise Sauce

Butter Spongecake Laura The Gastronaut

Butter Spongecake

Water-cress Soup Laura The Gastronaut


Julia Child's Roquefort Cheese Quiche

Mastering the Art of French Cooking | Julia Child

Recipe 26

- Quiche au Roquefort [Roquefort Cheese Quiche], p. 148

You can buy Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking which contains these recipes here.


Butter Count: +14 TB

Cost: $8.96 [~$1.79 per serving]

My second quiche is a fancy one- one with Roquefort cheese. If you are like me, you have no idea what Roquefort cheese is. Basically, it is a fancy blue cheese and to say that I was SUPER excited to actually find this cheese at the grocery store, would be an understatement. It made my day.

Julia Child Roquefort Cheese Quiche

Now I wouldn’t recommend this quiche to anybody that doesn’t like blue cheese. The flavor is definitely overpowering. I love blue cheese so this quiche was right up my alley. My boyfriend, on the other hand, tolerates blue cheese so this wasn’t his favorite recipe, but he is a good sport and still ate it. Also, the reason my quiche look so ‘eh’ is because I don’t own a false-bottom pan. I own a normal cake pan that I bought for ~$4. I partially baked my crust in it and then set it free on a baking sheet. I put A LOT of faith into this crust as I poured the quiche mixture in and put it in the oven. It was going well for a while, and I was super proud of myself… until it happened. One side the quiche’s crust completely broke and the mixture started seeping out. Luckily, I put it on a baking sheet or this would have been a total disaster. Up top is the Instagram picture but here is the actual picture:

Quiche au Roquefort Julia Child

I suppose I will invest in a false-bottom pan before the next quiche is made. Anyways, despite the looks, I still think it tasted pretty good for a blue cheese-fan like myself.

Mastering the Art of French Cooking Quiche

You can find these recipes and all the other Julia Child recipes I make in Mastering the Art of French Cooking

Bon appétit!

May 20, 2019 by Laura Ehlers

This Roquefort Cheese Quiche blog post may contain some Amazon affiliate links. These link to products that I personally use and recommend. If you purchase anything using my links, it will not cost you anything. It will though give laurathegastronaut.com some financial support which helps me keep this blog running. Thank you for reading my blogs and your continued support.


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Laura The Gastronaut

Hi! Welcome to my blog!

My name is Laura. I am a home cook, science junkie, Julia Child fan, daydreamer, beach lover, and major foodie. My goal is to document myself learning to cook, inspire you to cook, and share some great recipes with you along the way. I'm so glad you are here. Bon appétit! learn more →


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