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Laura The Gastronaut

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Julia Child's Canapes aux Epinards

Mastering the Art of French Cooking | Julia Child

Recipe 154

- Canapés aux Èpinards [Spinach and Cheese Canapés], p. 472

You can buy Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking which contains these recipes here.

You can watch me make this recipe for the first time on my YouTube channel here.

Butter Count: +7 TB

Cost: $10.56 [~$1.76 per serving]

If you like spinach, cheese, and extremely buttery pieces of bread then do I have the perfect recipe for you! These little canapés were great. If the bread was a little bit smaller, they would make the best hors d'oeuvres.



I could see myself making these spinach canapés again so they definitely deserve the high rating. Everything about this recipe was delicious- the crunchy breadcrumbs, the gooey cheese, the melted butter running down the pillow of braised spinach- all atop a buttered piece of sautéed bread. You'll for sure be catching me daydreaming about eating this again.


Actually getting to the main recipe is a little bit of a process. You first have to clean and trim all the stems of your spinach. The spinach then gets blanched in salted water for a couple of minutes and refreshed in cold water. As much of the moisture from the spinach must then be squeezed out.

Julia Child Spinach

. The moisture of the spinach needs to be evaporated so the spinach is cooked in a little bit of butter and seasoned correctly.

Julia Child Cooked Spinach

Next, the spinach is braised in stock. Now, and only now, is the spinach ready to be a part of the canapé.

Julia Child Spinach Braised in Stock

The bread rounds are sautéed in a butter and oil mixture until they are lightly browned.

Julia Child Canapes

Swiss cheese is stirred into the warm braised spinach, and the spinach/cheese mixture is scooped onto the top of the bread rounds.

More Swiss cheese, breadcrumbs, and melted butter are all added to each canapé. You’ll want to eat them now but wait! The best part is about to come. Place them all under the broiler for a couple of minutes until that cheese becomes ooey gooey and those breadcrumbs are lightly browned. Okay, now you may pig out.

Spinach and Cheese Canapes Julia Child

Canapes aux Epinards Julia Child

You can find these recipes and all the other Julia Child recipes I make in Mastering the Art of French Cooking

Bon appétit!

November 11, 2020 by Laura Ehlers

This Spinach and Cheese Canapes blog post may contain some Amazon affiliate links. These link to products that I personally use and recommend. If you purchase anything using my links, it will not cost you anything. It will though give laurathegastronaut.com some financial support which helps me keep this blog running. Thank you for reading my blogs and your continued support.


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Laura The Gastronaut

Hi! Welcome to my blog!

My name is Laura. I am a home cook, science junkie, Julia Child fan, daydreamer, beach lover, and major foodie. My goal is to document myself learning to cook, inspire you to cook, and share some great recipes with you along the way. I'm so glad you are here. Bon appétit! learn more →


Recipe Checklist Laura The Gastronaut